Intelligent ecosystem to improve
the governance, the sharing,

and the re-use of health data for rare cancers

WP8 Pilot projects

  • Pilot data governance

    The deliverable “Pilot Data Governance” details the work done so far by the consortium to identify the legal and ethical requirements needed to deploy the pilot projects across the 11 clinical centers involved in IDEA4RC. Pilot projects are case studies which will serve to test the IDEA4RC ecosystem. They will be selected among the research…

  • EU legal landscape on health data sharing and re-use: interview with Vasiliki Tsiompanidou

    In the previous months European institutions have added new pieces to the legal landscape of the Union regarding artificial intelligence, data and health data in particular. The EU is doing so to protect basic human rights while at the same time not hampering innovation and favoring data exploitation to improve European citizens’ quality of life.…

  • Pilot projects selection

    IDEA4RC aims to develop a federated data ecosystem for rare adult solid cancers focusing on two groups of these cancers: soft tissue sarcomas and head and neck cancers. The ecosystem will be tested through measures of quality, usefulness, usability, and efficiency, collected in real world use cases. This deliverable provides a description of the research…